Monday, December 11, 2017


Individuation. Psychologist Carl Gustav Jung  described individuation as the process by which the personal and collective unconscious are brought into consciousness to reveal one's whole personality. In short, it is of becoming self-actualized.

Individualization. People with the strength of individualization see each person as one of a kind. They are intrigued by the unique qualities of each person. They tend to have a natural ability to discover uniqueness or hidden talents without the need for an assessment tool.

I am a lover of people. On rare cases where i may have distanced myself from a few of them, it is mostly their behavior or attitude that pissed me off because i remain to be human who is God's work in progress (i continue to hope). My action/decision of so doing is what i call loving from a distance. My awareness that ill feeling is always temporary because feelings are liquid is what always saves me. Thus, i  do not make decisions out of my feelings. I can not change people. I can only forgive them in my heart.  For "many do not know." - Jesus Christ (True Life in God, Vol. 1)

Last night i had a feel good dream. I looked for its meaning right after waking up knowing that almost every dream i dreamed of pertains to me and my aspirations in relation to my individuation. For the past couple of weeks i felt very strongly and was wrestling against myself. I thought about my rather stringent belief system. And entertained the thought of softening it by installing some little modifications, especially because it involves me.  I needed God's grace for this, so my prayers of the moment (until i am changed) goes like this: "God grant me the grace that i maybe tolerant and patient because as a choleric i am inclined to be demanding and controlling." Then follow it up with the Prayer of Serenity. Not losing my focus, i am confident that these will keep me make my day

My previous dreams effected in me as i am at present. They are the reasons also for my being an increasingly God-person. But as well, they are the reasons for the visitations of numerous difficult temptations. But i continue to hold on, ever inspired by Jesus' words: "never weary of striving and suffering."(TLIG, Vol. 1) because i vowed to myself to always think of what is good for my soul, as i am "a human being in this world, NOT of this world."
A dreamer of a Utopian World, it is of my opinion that we are no different from one another.  Being so, this leads me to thinking, therefore, that if each of us will just be willing to begin unlocking the blocks that impede to our own person's understanding there ain't an iota of doubt that my utopian dream can come true. Understanding each one is the key to harmony, but it must be begun with the self, as individuation is a requisite to individualization. 

Leaving you for now, good friends, with these: There is no point in haste. We must live for each moment of our life. To think of the past or worry for the future will only cause depression and anxiety. We must live healthily both in mind and spirit for our body to be in top shape. Maria Edgeworth said: "If we take care of the moments, the years will take care of themselves."

Love you everyone as always.. remember that forever i will be!

Hasta la vista. :)

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