Friday, August 28, 2009


Physics is one of the most difficult subjects I encountered in the entirety of my school life. I hated it so much I barely passed the course every time. Mabuti na lang ‘di ako grade-conscious. Two (2) years ago I encountered the word again in one of the most loved books I read. Both curiosity and interest led me to look seriously for its meaning or I will not completely get the gist of what I was reading at that time.

The death of our most beloved Pres. Maria Corazon C. Aquino (who really lived up to the meaning of her name, possessing the “heart of Mother Mary”), which brought back the nostalgic feeling – to the time of the historic (and hysteric) event following Sen. Benigno Aquino’s death (very treacherous murder, is more like it) – for every Filipino, left people wondering in awe and astonishment because of the influx of sincere mourners.

In the kind of difficult times that we are in right now, we desperately and urgently need leaders who are of great moral ascendancy, for it is one basic natural human tendency to look up to the leaders of the land as role models. To reiterate: “everybody needs someone or something (Faith) to measure his/her life against.” To just keep criticizing our leaders will lead us nowhere because in the mediocrity of life the game is always about power. Every misunderstanding is a power play. Petty man ‘yan o grabe.

One of the most important information I gathered in my previous readings from the writings of different life coaches is to think about the time of our own death. To see and picture in our mind what it is we want when we die. What the people will say about us during our death, in our wake, in our burial, and after we are long gone. It is of great importance that we do so because we are going to hear all the comments, the curse and the blessings, from all of the people we have come across with and affected/inflicted/effected in the course of our lifetime anyways.

Psychosomatic unity is one of those words that intrigued me in the furtherance of my soul-study. It talks about the truth that we cannot evade: that we are made up of both physical body and soul. But between our two (2) major components it must be the soul that we must take care of very, very importantly because it is what does not die. It is what is eventually going to suffer or be rewarded in our judgment day, when we are to meet our Ultimate Judge eventually. We must remember that in the end we all have the same destiny – face God.

The throng of people, not to mention those who felt strongly for the death of Cory and cried silently in their homes or wherever, is the result of what the authorities call “quantum physics”. Both the quantity and quality of what we give is given us back in return. And more – for Jesus promised us: “I will give you all these and more”. “What you sow, you reap.” It is considered by others as part of the law of karma, for, if in objects “the same poles repel” applies, in people “like attracts like” works.

Discontent led me to go in depth, in my attempt to dissect the anatomy of human friendships/relationships. I thought of the broken ones. And then I finally realized that maybe what glued them in their so-called friendships then, was not Love after all.

“Only God is faithful.” The common denominator for every friendship/relationship must be God, for He is Love. Apart from Him, any friendship/relationship is either superficial or clinging (remember the pathology of love yet?), thus unhealthy. And anything unhealthy is unsatisfying, confusing, tiring, demanding or depleting, and sickening. Happiness is never, and never will be, sustained.

“The same poles repel.” If you and I are united not by Love, but by some personal motive – power, fame, or fortune (PFF) factor – our ending is to one day be separated. Only love cements a relationship and produces a BFF (best friends forever) factor.

In the PFF factor, people of the same kind are joined together first. In the course of time, however, one will override the other because it is difficult to maintain loyalty or faithfulness. They become so focused on their personal motives or gains thus, without their knowing it they become mere objects. So they keep using one another. Their motto becomes: “you scratch my back; I’ll scratch yours.” They are no longer humans. Only humans are created in the image and likeness of God. And it is in our physical state alone where we can change our destiny. For when we die our time for change is ended.

Life is meant for friendships and service. Apart from these there is no guaranteed sense of fulfillment or satisfaction. Palagi na lang may hahanapin ang puso mo because your heart is the heart of your soul and vice versa. At hinding-hindi mo matatakasan ang katotohanang ‘yan. Fr. Rod sent me this food for thought one time: “you can close your eyes to the things that you do not like to see; but you cannot close your heart to the things that you do not like to feel.” Cory’s assurance to the grieving heart of her personal physician was: “don’t worry. I have lived a full life…”

As I say goodbye for this issue I would like to pose the same question for you, beloved friends, as you think and contemplate: “are you living (and enjoying!) a full life na ba?”

Don’t worry though, nothing is late in Love. God is ever very forgiving. That is the reason why nobody has the right to condemn anybody because we do not know for certain what goes on inside the heart of every individual, and also because we do not know God’s plans for each one of us. God works on each of us differently, so we have to accept and adjust, as brothers and sisters, in our trust in God and as we wait for the completion of His plans.

My love to every one! God bless us always. See you sometime again, dearest friends.

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