Thursday, October 4, 2007

A Friend For You

Not really much into current events since I was young (I am currently in my midlife), newspapers never appealed to my senses, until about almost two (2) years ago when my eyes were interestingly caught by an article in our local newspaper which carried the title: LOVE BEATS DEPRESSION FOR WOMEN, NOT MEN. The title instantaneously brought into my mind the information I got after reading the book, Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus.

Already looking for an avenue in which I can express my opinions that might help people widen their horizon, I was attracted to offer my services by means of contributing to the same local paper. On their December 2005 issue I became officially a part of their team.

Having found meaning in my decision to write, my son (who I consider my finer version) encouraged me to widen my scope by sharing my newspaper articles through what you (I’m also not much into modern technologies) call “blog” (whatever that means).

I hope you enjoy reading. Please feel free to get in touch if you have something that you feel uneasy about and have not been able to find the answers yet, as I would really love to be of help in whatever little way I can. Let’s connect because that is what we are here for, to love one another. It is our ultimate mission (Gary Zukav, SEAT OF THE SOUL)!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

..thank you for inspiring us to live life as colorful as what u have right now...