Tuesday, July 21, 2009


As ever, kung kelan daw patay na ang tao ‘tsaka lang natin ina-appreciate ang mabubuti at kaayaayang mga alaalang naiwan n’ya. My eldest son was playing Michael Jackson’s HEAL THE WORLD song early this morning. In an instant I thought of writing about him since I was born the same year he was and I loved many of his songs, which I believe he wrote with the sincerest feelings every time.

Later in the evening, my son again found his songs in MYX Channel. They provided a bit of introduction, as backgrounder, before each song was played. It was from there that I was able to piece together what could have affected his person and personality. But one thing is for sure, judging from his beautiful songs of prayer such as Childhood, Will You Be There, and Heal the World (to name but a few), and his overprotection of his little children from the maddening crowd of fans and detractors alike, that he has a good soul.

If my memory serves me right, I came to read that they were abused children from the confession of Janet Jackson many years ago. The abuser: their very own father.

We will never know what triggered their father to abuse them, unless he confesses also. What I’m certain about is the fact that every one of us who still carries the wounds of the past will always be hungry for recognition. It is because of this recognition hunger that we are driven to amass wealth and be famous – through whatever means – because our mind is conditioned that it is only the moneyed and/or the famous that are powerful. We are all in search of power. But we almost always resort to synthetic powers that are offered by the materialism and lies that this world offers.

Our abusers made us powerless. This powerlessness drove us nuts. And instead of turning to the Most Powerful for help (because Only Him holds the authentic power), through His healing grace, we chose to instill our own. Eh, mixed nga tayo: we are all animal, human, and divine. This fact explains for the compositions of MJ. Sometimes his powerlessness as human was probably too strong for him to resist he wrote songs out of his human desire for power. And maybe in times of his surrender he wrote songs of prayer for God to help him. He got so mixed up!

His decision to dissociate from his father, manifested by his choice to change his physical appearance – skin color and nose lifts – and his excluding him (his father) in his last will and testament, proved his un-forgiveness.

We must remember that each of us had to be born in this world through our parents. And that no matter what happened in the past, each of those events happened for a purpose. Our in-acceptance will only harden our heart. It will confuse us and lead us to difficulties. That is why we experience hell even while we are still here.

What God wants of us is Obedience. Acceptance is our means to obey Him. The kind of family we came from was His choice for us for a purpose. Basically it is for the purpose of letting us learn to love through forgiveness. Everything starts in the home, so it is always said. The decision to disobey is our translation of rebellion. It is an evil choice.

Eventually this evil choice will manifest outside, called aura. For what is inside our heart will reveal in itself. Kaya may mga magaganda at gwapo na sa tingin natin may mali somewhere. At meron din namang hindi naman kagandahan o kagwapuhan pero people are drawn to him/her na walang halong malisya. Kaya siguro malisya dahil “mali s’ya”, ‘no? Biro lang…

If there are unpleasant things that need to change, then the change must begin in our very own self, usually through forgiveness and unceasing prayer. We were created by God and in God we must always depend. In Him we have to remain forever children who will always forever be dependent on Him. The two (2) tablets containing God’s ten (10) Commandments has the first one tablet (which bore the three first Commandments) for Him and the second tablet carried the very first one (out of the six) to honor thy father and thy mother (“especially your parents!” says one of our local jokes. We have to lighten the burden of life in order for it not to be dull and boring. Laughter remains the best medicine).

Our human interventions will one day prove us the truth that we can only do so much. Our body is not ours. It is God’s. To medically alter it for our own human purpose will only serve us awhile. There are limits to everything. One day, babagsak tayo – literal man o hindi. Ke MJ naunang bumagsak ang ilong n’ya kasi walang matibay na buto d’yan,e. Dapat kasi inaral muna nya sya, nang malalimang pag-aaral, ha?

I don’t know how the following is going to effect in you, but I am including it here to help you see yourself because I believe that the only person who can effectively instill love, through discipline, in you is your self. The following I received as food for thought from a very dearest brother, Rev. Fr. Rod San Jose, OFM (he is one of my earth-fathers):

Bravery is saying NO to what you believe is NO;
Sacrifice is saying NO to what you think is YES;
Confidence is saying YES to what you think is YES;
Trusting is saying YES to what you think is NO. (tnx,ROD!)

Oh, by the way, MJ po stands for MY JESUS, who the Almighty Father sent us to pattern our lives to. Unless we try very, very hard, no matter the difficulty, to let the God in our head comes down and settle in our heart, and be like Jesus (but accepting the fact that we cannot be as perfect as He is) our destination will be nowhere. (That is precisely why Michael Jackson named his humungous property “Neverland”, because he will arrive and settle at nothing in the end.)

Let us all pray and exert effort to find rest in God or we will all end up in hell – whether we are alive yet or dead already – literally speaking. We cannot help heal the world if we are ourselves unhealed yet.

Kaya tuloy here in our place (following un-fateful incidents in a hospital that were caused by the “difficult people in power”) we changed na the lyrics of MJ’s hit (Heal the World) as the hospital’s theme song, it became: “kill the world/make it a bitter place/for you and for me and the entire human race/there are people dying/we don’t care enough for the living/make a bitter place for you and for me.” While in the other hospital, the old one, their theme song remains Mona Lisa still (they just lie there/and they die there). A pity, isn’t it? Aren’t hospitals made for healing? I didn’t know it changed already. Kelan pa?

God, grant me the Serenity to Accept the things I cannot change;
Change the things that I can; and the Wisdom to know the difference. Amen.

LOVE YOU, EVERYONE…! God bless, siempre pa. See you sometime again.

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